Sacred Medicine Wheel in Arizona

Welcome to The Whole in the Center

Welcome to the Whole in the Center
Joyce Seelig, Co-founder

Life is a dream, and you are the dreamer


Spiritual practice Ceremony


Dream work


May we serve Mother Earth and all Her inhabitants by:

Nurturing seeds of peace, friendship and the power of a strong mind

Manifesting our unique gifts and sharing them with others

Creating circles of goodness to heal the world a little bit more


Friday, March 16, 2012

Wisdom Keepers

I have been most fortunate to have had (and continue to have) great teachers. I've sat at the feet of Native American, Buddhist and Hindu Wisdom Keepers. One day I was sitting at the feet of a teacher and we were all just chanting. I was soaking up all the love. I looked up at him and realized he was just a manifestation of me, and I him. I no longer needed the outside form of "a teacher" to teach me anything. I got it. I think that's what a true teacher does...they are like a lighthouse, a beacon, on the further shore. Guiding you to your own True Nature with their light. When you are absorbed in the Oneness you realize we are All the same Being. Far out. I still go and listen to great spiritual teachers, just for a refresher course. A True Master will smile back at you as if you are looking in a mirror.
I am most fortunate to have had this experience in this lifetime.

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