Sacred Medicine Wheel in Arizona

Welcome to The Whole in the Center

Welcome to the Whole in the Center
Joyce Seelig, Co-founder

Life is a dream, and you are the dreamer


Spiritual practice Ceremony


Dream work


May we serve Mother Earth and all Her inhabitants by:

Nurturing seeds of peace, friendship and the power of a strong mind

Manifesting our unique gifts and sharing them with others

Creating circles of goodness to heal the world a little bit more


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Celebrate the Goddess: Imbolc

In ancient times the people celebrated and honored the turning of the wheel.  On February 2nd the people turned their thoughts and prayers to the Mid-Winter Holy Day Imbolc.  A time when the seeds within the Earth begin to stir while She Dreams of Spring.
Goddess festivals were very common and some are still celebrated today.
The triple Goddess Brigid (later transformed into St.Brigit) is a lovely energy to celebrate on Imbolc. The Goddess Brigids' eternal flame still burns in Kildare. 
 Create the conditions within your heart (and hearth) to welcome Her home.  Light candles through out your home; write a poem honoring a female ancestor and her gifts; reflect on the seeds that are stirring within you that are calling for expression. 


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