Sacred Medicine Wheel in Arizona

Welcome to The Whole in the Center

Welcome to the Whole in the Center
Joyce Seelig, Co-founder

Life is a dream, and you are the dreamer


Spiritual practice Ceremony


Dream work


May we serve Mother Earth and all Her inhabitants by:

Nurturing seeds of peace, friendship and the power of a strong mind

Manifesting our unique gifts and sharing them with others

Creating circles of goodness to heal the world a little bit more


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sawa bona

Sawa bona is a South African greeting which means "I see you." The response is "Sikhona" which means "I am here."  I learned this from a mother who was sitting vigil at her young daughters hospital bed.  She taught me the power and importance of presence.  Our presence, simply being there with awareness, breathing, acknowledging what is happening in the present moment, sitting with whatever is presenting itself without a judging mind, without trying to fix anything. This presence, this "I see you" validates their humanity, which in turn validates our own humanity, "I am here." 
There is really nothing to "do".  Our being present, really present, is a practice that can open up the space between self and other.  And in that sacred space we value and honor one another-our shared humanity.  I thank all my teachers, this mother, her daughter, for the wisdom gifts. You never know when you will meet a living bodhisattva.

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